In a sense, it is more widely used than planer. According to whether the wood section rotates around its axis, the rotary cutting machine can be divided into two types: concentric rotary cutting and eccentric rotary cutting. There are two kinds of concentric rotary cutting machines, one is the axial cutting machine and the other is the non axial cutting machine. Eccentric rotary cutting can obtain beautiful radial pattern, but its productivity is lower than that of concentric rotary cutting.
The non card rotary cutting machine is generally large in size and complex in structure, and the log centering is required before operation. If the centering is not correct, the intermittent veneer belt or narrow veneer will be spun out when starting the rotary cutting. The more broken veneer or narrow veneer, the more edge veneer with good material loss, which is not conducive to the continuity of production. The log has bending, irregular cross section and big and small ends (sharpness) at both ends, and the veneer that is easy to spin out is broken veneer, which wastes wood. And when the log diameter is reduced to a certain extent, it can no longer continue to spin (that is, the remaining wood core causes wood waste).